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On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Nascetta DOC, the Langa Indigenous Wine Association is pleased to present the documentary series about the Nascetta grape variety, as recounted by both Nascetta winemakers and various wine experts. They provide detailed knowledge and a behind-the-scenes chronicle of this authentic, autochthonous white grape from the Langhe.


The documentary comprises 12 episodes recounting the experiences of Nascetta growers with this once-forgotten grape. While still a niche variety, Nascetta continues to expand in terms of hectares planted and number of growers. These growers recount the reasons behind their choice to plant Nascetta, the satisfaction that growing this variety brings them and the hopes they have for the future.


Further episodes look at more detailed aspects of the variety–agricultural, geological, organoleptic, and culinary–via the expert opinions of Nascetta enthusiasts.

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The documentary series produced by LANGHE TV and the LANGHE INDIGENOUS WINE ASSOCIATION

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On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Nascetta DOC, the Langa Indigenous Wine Association is pleased to present the documentary series about the Nascetta grape variety, as recounted by both Nascetta winemakers and various wine experts. They provide detailed knowledge and a behind-the-scenes chronicle of this authentic, autochthonous white grape from the Langhe.


The documentary comprises 12 episodes recounting the experiences of Nascetta growers with this once-forgotten grape. While still a niche variety, Nascetta continues to expand in terms of hectares planted and number of growers. These growers recount the reasons behind their choice to plant Nascetta, the satisfaction that growing this variety brings them and the hopes they have for the future.


Further episodes look at more detailed aspects of the variety–agricultural, geological, organoleptic, and culinary–via the expert opinions of Nascetta enthusiasts.

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